TEERA Annual General Meeting - 7.00PM Friday 3 February - Pat Lamprey's Paddock, Smith and Others Rd, Sassafras

The 2022 TEERA Annual General Meeting will be held at 7.00PM, Friday 3 February in Pat Lamprey's Paddock, Smith and Others Rd, Sassafras.


  1. To confirm the minutes of the 2021 AGM (Minutes available here).

  2. To receive various reports:

  3. To elect the Committee members:

Four written nominations were received by the secretary for the five vacant positions – Mark Dunn, Angie Clark, Deb Wyllie and Carolyn Foley-Jones. As the number of nominations do not exceed the number of vacancies those nominated are deemed to be elected.

There is one spot on SMC still to be filled. Nominations will be called from the floor of the AGM to fill this position

4.      To appoint the auditors and agree their remuneration.

5. Special Business:

  • Motion regarding the need to issue receipts for some financial transactions – motion and rationale is here.

  • Motion re removing the need for the TEERA accounts to be formally audited – motion and rationale is here and here.

6. Other business

Mark Dunn
TEERA Secretary